Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019


Plan2Play Process

The development of Plan2Play was an 11-month process, beginning in late 2017 and concluding in the fall of 2018. The planning process was framed largely around significant engagement efforts to ensure the desires of the community and Department staff were accurately reflected in the plan’s recommendations. Plan development was also shepherded by a Master Plan Leadership Committee within the Department that included key staff from Planning and Project Management (PPD), Parks Operations Division (POD), and Community Recreation Services (CRS), and City Communications.

Phase III Draft Plan: The third phase of the process included establishing a vision, principles, goals and objectives, as well as, an implementation strategy. A parks operations and management review was also conducted.

The Plan2Play process was structured around four phases: Phase I Analysis: The first phase encompassed the discovery and understanding of Greensboro’s unique recreation and parks system, its organization, and its provision of programs. It included an overall parks and trails inventory, in depth study of historical and ecological systems, a needs assessment, and community survey. Phase II Vision & Concepts: Guiding principles, system-wide concepts, and a comprehensive vision were developed during this portion of the project and tested through public and staff review and comment.

Phase IV Final Master Plan: The final stage of the project included

documentation, review, and approvals. This phase resulted in this document, the 2018 Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan .

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