GDOT Annual Report 2019
B I K E S & P E D E S T R I A N S
Greensboro Implements Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects
Greensboro Department of Transportation (GDOT) is working in partnership with other City departments including Engineering and Inspections, Parks and Recreation, and Field Operations to improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure in the community. The efort is guided by Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Masterplan (BiPed Plan), a far-reaching and practical plan for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements developed based on needs analysis and community priorities. Improvements underway include on-street bicycling facilities like bike lanes, sidewalk construction, and greenways. Bike Lanes The BiPed Plan established a goal for the City to get to 75 bicycle lane miles by 2022. Bicycle lanes typically get installed in one of three ways: roadway resurfacings, roadway widenings, and scratch and remark projects. The current bicycle lane inventory of is 26.2 miles, less than halfway to the goal, but pending projects will close the gap considerably. Bicycle lanes were recently installed on: • Drawbridge Parkway from Horse Pen Creek Road to Wellspring Drive • Northline Avenue from Hobbs Road to west of Pembroke Road • Hobbs Road from New Garden Road to Westridge Road • Industrial Avenue from Elm-Eugene Street to the railroad crossing • English Street from Market Street to McConnell Road • Bennett Street from Gate City Boulevard to Florida Street. In summer 2019 the City will add bike lanes on Fourth
be added to Church Street from North Park Drive to Wendover Avenue and Mayfower Drive from Spring Garden Street to West Market Street. Other bicycle lane installations are pending with the completion of the Horse Pen Creek Road widening and Holts Chapel Road roadway modernization and sidewalk projects currently under construction. Sidewalk Construction The City’s sidewalk construction program continues to make great strides towards making Greensboro a more walkable community. Between 2006 and 2015, 133 miles of sidewalks were added in Greensboro: 70 miles City and NCDOT projects, 57 miles by private developers, and 6 miles through annexations of developed areas. This rapid pace has accelerated since 2015. Major sidewalk projects since that time have included large sections of East Wendover Avenue, West Market Street, East Florida Street, Randleman Road, and Phillips Avenue. Recently-completed city sidewalk projects include Hobbs Road, Baylor Street, Dunbar Street, Holders Road, short sections of Battleground Avenue, Cone Boulevard, and North Josephine Boyd Street.
The City has approximately 25 miles of independent sidewalk projects under construction in 2019 or pending construction by the end of the year. Highlights include: • Holts Chapel Road and Lowdermilk Street • English Street from Phillips Avenue to Florida Street • Yanceyville Street from Bessemer Avenue to Lees Chapel Road • Pisgah Church Road from Battleground to Yanceyville Street
Street from Maple Street to Summit Avenue and Church Street from Summit Avenue to North Park Drive. Additionally, sharrows – pavement markings that indicate a shared bike and motor vehicle lane -- will
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