FY 2024-2025 Final Adopted Budget

General Fund Debt Service Non-Major 1 Greensboro Area Transit Authority 8VHU )HHV &KDUJHV /LFHQVHV ,QWHUIXQG 7UDQVIHUV ,QWHUJRYHUQPHQWDO Parking Facilities Solid Waste War Memorial Coliseum Resources and Stormwater 2 Guilford Metro Communications Internal Service Funds 3 Revenues 3URSHUW\ 7D[HV 6DOHV 7D[HV


Total Expenditures 421,896,565 48,379,264 24,385,229 35,656,887 8,267,016 19,844,537 73,309,991 203,635,344 15,426,237 131,127,720 1HW 5HYHQXHV 2YHU 8QGHU ([SHQGLWXUHV (VWLPDWHG )XQG %DODQFH -XO\ (QGLQJ )XQG %DODQFH -XQH

$OO 2WKHU Total Revenues 413,494,053 48,379,264 23,204,955 26,146,737 7,428,373 17,844,537 73,309,991 185,169,547 15,426,237 122,353,414 Expenditures 3HUVRQQHO &RVWV 0DLQWHQDQFH 2SHUDWLRQV 'HEW 6HUYLFH ,QWHUIXQG 7UDQVIHUV &DSLWDO 2XWOD\


FY 2024-2025


Summary of Major Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balances Across Funds

4 Estimated fund balances based on 2023-24 12th Month Balance Sheet 2 Includes Water and Sewer Operations Fund and the Stormwater Operations Funds 3 Internal Services include: Equipment Services, Technical Services, Network Services, Graphic Services, Risk Retention, and Capital Leasing Funds 1 Non-Major Funds include: State Highway Allocation, Cemeteries, Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax, Municipal Service Districts, Nussbaum Housing Partnership, and Emergency Telephone System Funds

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