Final Adopted Budget FY23-24


Departmental Objectives  Create Priority Offender Strategy to enhance management of repeat and priority offenders.  Reduce criminal offenses by 10% annually for the time period FY 2023-24 compared to FY 2022-23 (per capita).  Reduce juvenile felony offenses.  Reduce criminal offenses committed by youth under the age of 18 by 10% annually for the time period FY 2023-24 compared to FY 2022-23 (per capita).

 Reduce response times to calls for service.  Improve internal and external service delivery.

Performance Measures

Adopted 2023-24


Budget 2022-23

Projected 2024-25


Workload Measures  Crimes Against Persons  Crimes Against Property

6,964 15,266 5,010 1,301 1,841 2,645

8,248 17,112 5,748 1,301 2,024 2,278

6,761 14,821 5,010 1,301 1,841 2,645

6,761 14,821 5,010 1,301 1,841 2,645

 Offenses Reported - Involving persons 15 years of age and under  Number of Priority Offenders managed under electronic monitoring  Crime Against Persons cleared by arrest, exception, or unfounded  Crime Against Property cleared by arrest, exception, or unfounded Efficiency Measures  Average Police Response Time to High Priority Calls (in minutes)  First due GPD unit arrival to Priority I Calls in seven minutes or less  First due GPD unit arrival to Priority II Calls within 12 minutes

6:00 90% 90%

10:00 33% 48%

6:00 90% 90%

6:00 90% 90%





 GPD Average Training Hours (Patrol Personnel)

Effectiveness Measures  Percent of Felony cases cleared  Reduce the NIBRS Group A Crime rate

30% -10% -15%

19% -1% -48%

30% -10% -15%

30% -10% -15%

 Reduce case closure suspense time for homicides, aggravated assaults, and robberies  Percent of citizen satisfaction surveys indicating a positive impression/perception of GPD





Budget Highlights: The FY 23-24 Adopted Budget is increasing by $7,946,472, or 8.7%.

 In FY2023-24, the GPD total salary budget increased by 11% or $5.9 million. Salary increases include raising the minimum salary for a Police Officer to $55,000, a 16.2% increase, increasing minimum wages for professional staff positions within the department, and addressing compression across the department.  Police staffing decreases by 30 unfilled patrol FTEs to support the cost of compensation increases. Additionally, the department is reclassifying 10 positions from sworn to professional positions to support more effective use of sworn personnel.  The Police Maintenance & Operations budget is increasing by $1,054,151. The largest increase is associated with reassigning where the Police Take Home Car Program, $800,672, is budgeted. Other increases include $40,000 for the department’s Flock camera program to support the City Manager's Gateway Corridors program. Other increases include $56,550 for contract increases, and $15,000 for internal charges.

Adopted 2023-24 Budget


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