Final Adopted Budget FY23-24


Departmental Objectives  Invest in capital improvements that increase water and sewer capacity and availability.  Conduct water, sewer, and stormwater plan reviews and feasibility studies in a timely manner.  Study water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure within identified reinvestment corridors to determine needed improvements.  Maintain water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure to ensure that customers’ needs are met.  Take measures to ensure regulatory compliance standards are met for water and sewer.  Work to improve fire flow capacity in the water distribution system.  Provide accurate bills, billing conveniences, and timely service to customers.  Provide training and certification opportunities to employees for professional growth, and to ensure regulatory compliance and succession planning.  Complete work orders and mission critical functions within departmental adopted standards.  Support and promote City services and communicate effectively with both internal and external customers.  Develop and manage Water Resources budgets to efficiently provide quality water, sewer, and stormwater services that meet the demands of the community.  Identify and implement cost saving measures and increased revenue generating opportunities.  Identify and secure outside funding.  Promote and educate employees in workplace safety and wellness.

Performance Measures

Adopted 2023-24


Budget 2022-23

Projected 2024-25


Workload Measures  Number of water customer accounts  Average water MGD* treated daily  Average wastewater MGD* treated daily Efficiency Measures  Cost of wastewater service ($/MG treated)  Cost of water service ($/MG treated)  Energy use (kWh) per million gallons delivered





34.6 32.3

34.4 32.0

33.0 34.5

34.7 32.5

$2,847.00 $2,877.31 1,576.5

$2,764.08 $2,793.50 1,530.6

$2,438.34 $2,888.18 1,524.4

$2,932.41 $2,963.62 1,623.8

Effectiveness Measures  Non-revenue water (MG/yr)

2,263.8 0.56%

2,738.5 0.33%

2,183.6 1.00%

2,183.6 0.70%

 Percent of annual buried pipeline asset renewal





 Sewer overflows / 100 mils of pipe

*MGD=Million gallons per day Budget Highlights: The FY 23-24 Adopted Budget is increasing by $17,598,773, or 11.8%.

 The FY 23-24 budget includes a water rate increase of 10.25% and a wastewater increase of 7.25%, or an 8.5% increase on average for inside and outside customers. Increases in water and wastewater rates will help to cover increasing costs related to supply chain issues, inflation, employee compensation, chemical prices, capital project bids, and system expansion for years to come. Similar increases are anticipated for the next several years.  The FY 23-24 budget includes an additional $831,484 related to a new Sewer Construction Crew which consists of six (6) new FTE's, a truck and a backhoe.  The FY 23-24 budget includes an additional $86,455 related to one (1) new FTE Laboratory Coordinator position intended to assist in additional state mandated water testing.

Adopted 2023-24 Budget


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