FY 23-24 Budget in Brief

An interactive overview of the FY2023-2034 Adopted Budget for the City of Greensboro.

Moving Forward Together

FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024


2023 - 2024 ADOPTED BUDGET : $751,341,324

The City of Greensboro adopts its budget by ordinance, in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes, requiring estimated revenues and appropriated fund balances to be equal to appropriations. The citywide Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 23-24) adopted budget runs from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 . Organizational Strategic Priorities, developed by City Council and City staff, are used as guidelines in the development of funding recommendations. The net adopted budget of $751,341,324 is $62.4 million, or 9%, higher than the revised FY 22-23 budget.

Jon Decker, Budget Director

STAFF David Cashwell Leo Jaffe Tiffany Jones Karen Lloyd Jaear McClendon Tracy Nash Leah Price

EXPENDITURES : By Service Area

The City of Greensboro budget is designed to highlight and emphasize service areas and programs. Each service area is responsible for delivering quality services to residents throughout Greensboro. The four main service areas listed from largest to smallest are Infrastructure, Public Safety, General Government, and Community Services (Page 3-4). The remaining service area is Debt Service , which is closely tied to the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget (Page 5).


Would you like to share your thoughts about how the City spends your tax dollars? The Balancing Act budget simulation tool allows you to adjust simulated budgets for City departments, to align resources with services that you value most.


Infrastructure 52¢

General Government 10¢

Public Safety 25¢

Budget staff are available to meet with residents at community and neighborhood meetings to share this simulation tool and explain how it works. To request a presentation, please call 336-373-2291 greensboro-nc.gov/simulator

Community Services 7¢

Debt Service 6¢



User Charges 30% $276,556,189

Sales Tax 10% $88,621,330


Intergov Revenue 6% $56,160,987

Other Revenue 22% $202,616,694

Fund Balance 5% $43,362,070

Property Tax 27% $251,942,725

USER CHARGES : Charges, fees, and licenses for City services such as water, parking fees, or Coliseum concessions. PROPERTY TAX: The adopted tax rate is 67.25 cents per $100 valuation, four cents more than the FY 22-23 rate. OTHER REVENUE: Everything else, including interest income, internal service charges, donations, and sales of assets. SALES TAX: In addition to the 4.75% general state sales tax, Guilford County levies a 2% general sales tax on goods and services, like restaurant food, and distributes the revenue to its jurisdictions. INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: Collected by the state and returned to local governments, such as the Utility Sales Taxes. This category also includes federal and state grants, as well as the County’s contributions to the City’s Library System. FUND BALANCE: Estimated savings realized from unexpended appropriations and receipts . These funds can be used to help balance future budgets.

All estimates are based on actual prior year amounts, current year projections, trend analysis, and general economic forecasts.



INFRASTRUCTURE: $390,152,328 The FY 23-24 adopted budget is increasing by 9.5%, or $34,009,792.

• The Water Resources budget includes a water rate increase of 10.25% and a wastewater increase of 7.25%, or an 8.5% increase on average for inside and outside customers. Increases in water and wastewater rates will help to cover increasing costs related to cost escalations, supply chain issues, employee compensation, and system expansion for years to come. • The War Memorial Coliseum budget includes a transfer of $3.4 million to support operations at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex. During FY 22-23, the Tanger Center is projected to operate without a deficit and will not require support from the General Fund. • The Transit System Fund (GTA ) is increasing by 12.1%, or $3,416,488, which includes a planned Access GSO rate increase from $2.50 to $3.00 effective January 1, 2024. Effective July 1, 2023, all weekday fixed route services will start at 5:00am, with a 30-minute weekday service for Route 15 . • The Field Operations budget is increasing by 7.1%, or $2,957,108, which includes a mid-year transfer of four (4) FTE position and related costs for the creation of the Office of Sustainability in the Executive Department. • The Solid Waste Disposal Fund is increasing by 10.1%, or $1,743,926, which includes a transfer station tipping fee increase from $44 to $48 per ton, and a construction & demo landfill tipping fee increase from $31 to $34 per ton. • The Engineering and Inspections budget is increasing by 5.5%, or $1,317,719, to fund an additional three (3) FTE positions to support increased service demands in Development Services. PUBLIC SAFETY: $190,3 5 1,057 The FY 23-24 adopted budget is increasing by 8.5% or $14,9 8 5,937. • The Police Department budget is increasing by 8.7% or $7,946,472, which includes the reduction of 30 Police Officer positions to provide $2 million towards increasing Police Officer base pay to $57,000. • The Fire Department budget is increasing 8.9% or $5,828,596, which includes $400,000 to support the financed replacement of self-contained breathing equipment, $575,000 to support over-time cost, and$150,000 for personal protection equipment replacement . • The Emergency Telephone System Fund is decreasing 16.1% or $350,596, which includes $144,000 in expenses no longer covered by the State 911 Board’s annual disbursement to Guilford Metro 911.



TEXT TO 9-1-1

If you would like to have your smoke alarm professionally checked, or to have one installed free of charge, please call: 336-373-2576

At your request, a police officer can visit your property to perform a check and provide recommendations for improving security. Please call: 336-373-2636

Did you know you can text 911 during an emergency if you cannot safely place a call? Find instructions and additional information at:

greensboro-nc.gov/ departments/guilford metro911/text-to-9-1-1



GENERAL GOVERNMENT: $72,633,860 The FY 23-24 adopted budget is increasing by 7.3% or $4,913,936.

• The Information Technology budget is increasing by 5.0%, or $237,677. During FY 22-23, Information Technology led the organization through several technology changes, including the rollout of Infor Cloudsuite ERP software, the continued transition to Office 365, and two-factor authentication. • The Graphic Services Fund is increasing by 3.6%, or $34,397. The FY23-24 budget includes funding for the Graphic Design division to sustainably produce 4 million printed images, while maintaining a waste-rate of less than 1%. • The Legislative Department budget is decreasing by 26.2%, or $378,888. FY 22-23 budget included $300,000 for elections related expenses not included in FY 23-24 , as well as staff transfers to the Executive Department. • The Executive Department budget is increasing by 27.3%, or $3,294,670, to support staff transfers to the Office of Community Safety and the new Office of Sustainability. First incentive payments were made to Publix Supermarkets Inc., The Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company, and Syngenta Corp. Protection, LLC. Cumulative investment will be at least $578,000,000 and the creation of 1,046 new jobs, while retaining 900 existing jobs. • The People & Culture budget is increasing by 9.7%, or $373,977. This increase includes the transfer of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion division from the Executive Department. COM MUNITY SERVICES: $51,258,671 The FY 23-24 adopted budget is increasing by 7.9% or $3,767,857. • The Human Rights budget is increasing by 11.7%, or $99,912. This includes increases of $12,500 to support the annual Human Rights Celebration and $6,000 for the annual MLK breakfast. • The Housing and Neighborhood Development budget is increasing by 2.8%, or $65,706, including$22,150 to support increased supply and training costs. • The Parks and Recreation budget is increasing by 8.4%, or $1,853,787. Master plans for Green Tree, Hampton, and Old Peck Parks will be completed, swimming pool repairs at Peeler, Lindley, and Warnersville are scheduled, as well as net reconstruction at Gillespie Golf Course. • The Libraries budget is increasing by 7.3%, or $779,349, which includes $48,000 to support increased contract costs. GET CONNECTED WITH FREE MOBILE APPS

GSO COLLECTS Reminders to take trash and recycling to the curb. Use the Waste Wizard to determine how to properly dispose of various items. Report graffiti, litter, broken street lights, potholes, overgrown vegetation, abandoned vehicles, etc.

TrackMyGTA.com See all our active buses in real time with present location, time remaining until bus arrival at each bus stop, and even passenger level! TrackMyGTA.com is also available for text-only or landline phones. Dial (336) 754-8216 and enter the four digit bus stop number. The automated system will announce the next real-time and scheduled arrivals at your preferred stop!

PIEDMONT DISCOVERY F ind your next adventure! Explore destinations near you. Find park amenities, get directions and links for additional information. Sort trail information by type of terrain and level of difficulty. Covers park facilities owned by Greensboro, Guilford County, and High Point.



DEBT SERVICE: $46,944,908 The FY 23-24 adopted budget is increasing by 11.2% or $4,743,251. This includes a $1.3 million increase for planned bond issuances from the 2022 referendum. Expenditure Overview : Capital Improvements Program (CIP) FY 2024-33 Total: $2,066,258,329. THE CIP A financing and construction plan for projects requiring significant capital investment.

LINK TO BUDGET THE CIP IS LINKED TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET IN 3 WAYS 1. A nnual operating funds, such as the W ater Resources Fund 2. Ongoing expenses for Operating Costs 3. Ongoing Debt Service Expenses

Updated annually, adopted by City Council, and outlines 10-Year project schedules and priorities Voters authorized the 2016 and 2022 b ond r eferenda, totaling $261 million.

CIP Project Highlights



The goal of the Windsor Chavis Nocho Community Complex is to create an environment that is made to promote economic development opportunities and job creation. Chavis and Windsor are both older facilities that need renovations. The project combines Windsor Recreation Center and Chavis Library on park grounds. This allows for the Library Department and Parks and Recreation Department to increase the number of programs offered to the Greensboro community. The joint facility will include a library, pool, recreation space, education space, and health services.


Speaking of links, try this one to track 2016 bond projects




The City of Greensboro budget process occurs on an annual basis and is cyclical in nature. FALL City staff revise internal revenue and expenditure forecasts, identify local economic changes and trends, and the City Council begins holding planning sessions. WINTER Each department consults with the Budget and Evaluation staff on anticipated changes, service enhancement requests, and CIP proposals . SPRING In conjunction with City Council and the City Manager’s Office, Budget staff takes all of the information gathered in previous months and evaluates the proposals and requests for feasibility and practicality. Additionally, they determine if the budget will need further adjustments based on anticipated changes to revenues and expenditures. Shortly thereafter, the City Manager officially presents and recommends the recommended budget to the City Council. SUMMER Public hearings are held and the requested revisions are made to the document. Finally, Council legally adopts the budget in June.


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