User Fees, Charges, and Licenses Charges for programming and services provided by General Fund departments, such as Parks and Recreation, Field Operations, and Engineering and Inspections are included in this category. The 22-23 recommended budget of $23.3 million is approximately $2.7 million more than the pandemic impacted current year budget. Solid waste user fees are recommended to increase to address service and contract cost rises. The solid waste availability fee is recommended to increase from $2.50 to $3.50 per month per customer, and household hazardous waste fees are recommended to increase from $0.60 cents to $0.97 cents per month per customer. A new fire inspection fee model is recommended to align fees closer to service costs and provide revenue to offset additional fire inspectors in future years. Development service fees are also recommended to increase to meet the goal of 80% cost recovery.

Other Revenues Revenues not otherwise defined are included in this category. These include interest income, internal service charges, donations, and sale of assets. These revenues are estimated at $8.6 million, about the same as the current year budget.

Transfers from Other Funds The General Fund receives transfers from Special Revenue Funds, which have been established to account for specific revenue sources received by the City that are typically also tied to specific expenses. The transfer from the State Highway (Powell Bill) Fund is budgeted at $5.65 million to offset a variety of eligible transportation and road maintenance expenses budgeted in the General Fund. The General Fund will also receive a contribution from Transportation Bond Funds in the amount of $720,000 to offset some of the eligible professional services expenditures absorbed in the General Fund. These revenues decrease approximately $3.4 million due to the elimination of planned transfers from the American Rescue Plan Fund. Fund Balance The fund balance appropriation for the FY 22-23 General Fund budget is $5.9 million, or 1.58%, of the total budget. This represents a decrease of $3.4 million, or 36.6% from the current year amended budget. Decreased use of fund balance is one strategy the City will employ to reach the new Local Government Commission (LGC) required level of available fund balance. The total appropriated fund balance amount does not include additional fund balance appropriations that will be necessary to carry forward outstanding purchase orders at the end of FY 21-22.

Adopted 2022-23 Budget


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