TOTAL BUDGET - EXPENDITURES The FY 22-23 net budget (all funds) of $688,260,220 is $62.5 million, or 10%, higher than the revised FY 21-22 budget. The Infrastructure service area is the largest portion of the total budget, at $357.3 million, or 52%, of the total budget. The service area budget is $30.6 million, or 9.4%, greater than the revised current year budget. The Water Resources Fund increases from $140.8 million to $148.6 million, a difference of $7.8 million. Balancing current financing, or “pay-as-you-go” capital project financing with debt financing, Water Resources will transfer $30.8 million to various capital reserve and capital improvement funds for significant system maintenance projects. The Field Operations Department budget includes funding necessary to continue increased costs associated with the City's residential and commercial recycling programs. Net costs for these programs increased by over $1 million in FY 19-20 due to significant changes in the secondary markets for recycled materials. These costs continue to increase in FY 22-23 by approximately $750,000, as part of the agreement entered into during FY 18-19. The Parking Fund includes operations and debt service costs associated with the recently completed Eugene Street parking deck which opened in March of 2021. The February One Street parking deck is under construction and expected to be completed in FY 22-23. The General Fund will transfer approximately $3 million to the Parking Operations Fund to help cover debt service in FY 22-23. The Public Safety service area increases from $161.9 million to $175.6 million, or $13.4 million. This is the second largest service area, accounting for 25% of the total budget. The service area includes the addition of 15 fire positions for a new company to serve recently annexed areas of east and southeast Greensboro. A police vehicle take home program was implemented in FY 21-22 with the purchase of 20 patrol vehicles. The continuation of that program is included with the purchase of an additional 20 vehicles for a total cost of approximately $1.7 million. The budget also includes continued funding for community outreach efforts through the Cure Violence and Crime Stoppers programs. Public Safety maintenance efforts continue through the recently completed rebuilding of Fire Stations #7, Gatewood Ave., and #56, Franklin Blvd. The budget includes additional related facility operations costs of approximately $75,000. The General Government service area increases from $55.9 to $65.9, or $9.9 million, or 10% of the total budget. A reorganization of several departments and divisions in the General Government service area is anticipated to be implemented after completion of the disparity study update in FY 22-23. This reorganization includes the creation of the General Services Department and is reflected in the service area summary section. The Economic Development division is also reflected in this service area due to reorganization, with $4.2 million moving from the Infrastructure Service Area. The Community Services service area increases from $45.2 million to $47.5 million, or $2.3 million, approximately 7% of the total budget. Five (5) positions are added to Parks and Recreation for additional Assistant Community Center Supervisors and additional greenway and trails maintenance Crew Members. Capital projects including the zoo expansion at the Greensboro Science Center, Barber Park, and the Downtown Greenway are all expected to be completed and operating in FY 22-23. The Debt Service service area increases from $36.1 million to $42.2 million, or 6% of total budget expenses. The Debt Service Fund expenditures include principal and interest payments for all outstanding general obligation bonds, including $126 million in bonds approved by voters in 2016. The remaining $36 million in authorized 2016 bonds are planned to be borrowed in 2022-2023. A referendum scheduled for July 2022 totals $135 million, including funding for Parks & Recreation, Housing, Libraries, Police, Fire, and Transportation projects. Critical information technology improvements for software, systems, and security is supported through a transfer of $1.5 million to the Capital Leasing Fund. The FY 23-24 projected budget is $12 million, or 1.8%, higher than the FY 22-23 adopted budget. Budgeted personnel costs are 7.7% higher than the current year revised budget, including a net increase of 61.13 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions within the total operating budget. New positions for the Fire department account for 16 of these FTEs. Over 11 FTEs are added to the Transit Fund to bring customer services teams in-house that were previously part of contracted services. Development Services support includes six (6) additional FTEs across departments to support development review demands. The remaining positions result from mid-year additions and service enhancements for the other service areas. Other position additions are detailed in the appropriate service area sections of the document. The budget includes a 2% base market adjustment for general employees and 3% merit increase for all eligible employees. Compensation changes for Guilford Metro 911 include a 3% base market adjustment and a 4% average merit for all telecommunicators positions. Police and Fire sworn personnel will have a market based increase to starting salaries and steps, resulting in average market adjustments of 7.4% for Fire and 5.7% for Police. Starting pay will increase to $43,214 for Fire and $44,583 for Police. The City is required to increase its contribution to the North Carolina Local Government Retirement System on behalf of its employees, resulting in an approximate $2.7 million increase in retirement contribution costs for the total budget. Another increase for retirement contributions is projected for FY 23- 24, totaling over $2 million.

Adopted 2022-23 Budget


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