plan to maintain our current infrastructure and develop new facilities as needed. While most infrastructure projects funded through successful bond referenda in 2006, 2008 and 2009 are now complete, a few significant Transportation projects are still in progress. The capital budget continues the commitments previously adopted by Council to invest in Greensboro s future to address diverse transportation priorities across the City for walkers, bikers, transit riders, drivers and those who use our greenway network. The successful 2016 bond referendum included $34.5 million for capital improvements to, and expansion of, Parks and Recreation facilities $28 million for transportation enhancements, including $18 million for enhanced roadway resurfacing $4.5 million for new transit buses and $5 million for new sidewalk and intersection improvements. To date, $82.7 million of the 2016 bonds have been spent while the remaining $45 million is planned for projects currently in progress. A $135 million bond referendum in July 2022, if successful, will build on the progress already made. The 2022 referendum includes $15 million for transportation, $14 million for firefighting facilities, $6 million for Police facilities, $30 million to continue implementation of the Housing GSO plan, and $70 million for parks and recreation projects. Increased annexations, continuous growth, and service costs put pressure on our water and sewer capacity, as well as our solid waste services. The recommended budget includes a proposed water rate increase of 4.5% for customers both inside and outside the city limits and increases to solid waste fees for household hazardous waste and recycling. These modest rate increases are essential for us to continue to provide services to our customers at expected levels. Even with the projected increases, the City maintains the second lowest water rates and the lowest solid waste service fees compared with our peers. The FY 22 23 budget includes the creation of a Public Transit Department. The Greensboro Transit Agency (GTA) provides a vital transportation service that is a key component of our efforts to support economic development and opportunity. The service continues to evolve and improve to meet the financial challenges of providing this service, including introducing a new fleet of electric buses, the first for any North Carolina municipality, and continued efforts to implement the Mobility Greensboro 2040 plan. These efforts, combined with continued expansions to trails, greenways, and other alternates to transportation are essential to meeting the Council adopted goal of increasing the number of people that can reach their place of employment without the use of their personal vehicle by 20% by 2023. Providing safe and available parking is a primary city strategy and contribution for downtown development. The Eugene Street Deck opened in March 2021 providing 948 additional spaces for the north Eugene Street area. A second new deck is under construction as part of the Westin hotel development. Financial support for the long term debt service costs associated with these new assets will require approximately $3.6 million in General Fund contributions to the Parking Fund beginning in FY 22 23. Minority and Women s Business Enterprise (MWBE) Program The Minority and Women's Business Enterprise (MWBE) program is a critical element of the City's economic development initiatives. In February 2019 City Council adopted enhancements to the Greensboro Code of Ordinances and M/WBE Program Plan intended to increase utilization of minority and women owned businesses in City contracting. MWBE participation continues to show improvement in contract areas, and focus continues on improving participation for all areas of city business. The numbers show that the City achieved M/WBE utilization of 15.5% in construction services and 20.5% in professional services in 2020. However, there is opportunity for increased utilization of MWBE in construction and professional services. To facilitate economic growth in our city, especially among minority and women businesses, the FY 22 23 budget recommends the addition of 3 staff positions to support the MWBE program. The recommended budget includes over $878,000 and 8.75 FTEs in support of our MWBE program an increase of 2.75 position and almost $270,000. . In an effort to make the program more effective, the recommended budget includes the creation of a General Services Department to realign the MWBE program with the organization s procurement management and contracting services.

Adopted 2022-23 Budget


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