Discover Greensboro Magazine Winter 2021

The Parks Passport highlights 20 great locations citywide. You have all year to make the rounds – so go ahead and wait for a terrific, sunny day to go exploring. When you visit each location, search for the Parks Passport sign. Each sign will have a special word that you can use to fill in a phrase on the passport. “When you’ve visited all the locations, the passport will create a Parks and Recreation poem,” McCray said. When the Parks Passport is complete, mail in or drop your passport off at Parks and Recreation to receive a free Parks and Recreation swag item. One participant will win a random drawing on January 2022 for a prize pack worth $200. For more details and other Parks and Recreation contests, games, and sweepstakes, visit contest.

No need to travel very far to have an outdoor adventure! E njoy the great outdoors – and collect some cool prizes -- with Greensboro’s Parks Passport! Pick up your 2021 Parks Passport at Parks and Recreation headquarters, 301 S. Greene St., Ste. 300, or download it at www. English and Spanish language versions are available. Then grab your sneakers and get going. “Greensboro Parks and Recreation has a lot to offer. The Parks Passport will help folks find great, sometimes underappreciated spaces throughout our diverse parks system,” said Parks and Recreation Director Nasha McCray. “We know lots of people are holding off on travel this past year. Here’s a safe and inexpensive way to travel around our own community.”

Get your 2021 Parks Passport beginning on January 20, 2021 at Parks and Recreation, 301 S. Greene St., Ste. 300, or download it at www.

English and Spanish language versions are available.

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