Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2016

 Cost containments during FY 2016 allowed for new staff additions with no increase in the property tax rate. Approximately 4 net new FTE’s were added, including 18 new fire positions, partially offset by 14.3 FTE reductions mainly in Culture and Recreation, General Government, Transportation, and Field Operations without interruption to key service delivery.  FY 2016 included a 2.5% average merit increase for employees, along with further implementation of compensation study recommendations. Capital Asset and Debt Administration A. Capital Assets The City’s investment in capital assets including intangible assets for both its governmental and business-type activities as of June 30, 2016, amounts to $1,240,294,587 (net of accumulated depreciation/amortization). These assets include buildings, roads and bridges, land, machinery and equipment, park facilities, vehicles and intangible assets such as easements, software and licenses and water rights among other types of assets. This investment represents an increase of $54,553,373 or 4.6% over the prior year. Table C-1 Capital Assets (Net of Depreciation/Amortization-in thousands of dollars)












$ 87,106 $ 84,247 $ 45,869 $ 45,638 $ 132,975 $ 129,885


Construction in Progress Intangible Assets-Easements

17,032 11,449 90,094 44,942 107,126

56,391 21,179 277,425

22,252 21,179 22,252

101,221 105,905 172,602 171,520 273,823 13,501 14,475 24,573 26,172 38,074


Land Improvements


Improvements Other Than Buildings Furniture, Fixtures, Machinery and Equipment

89 92 4,768 5,014 4,857


45,356 40,001 25,338 25,137 70,694 152,335 149,135 359,860 361,393 512,195 149 249 78,150 79,193 78,299


Infrastructure Intangible Assets

510,528 79,442

Total Capital Assets

$ 416,789 $ 405,553 $ 823,506 $ 780,188 $1,240,295 $1,185,741

This year’s major capital asset additions included:

 Business Activities asset additions totaled over $43 million, with nearly all of the increase due to new construction in progress for utility system improvements. Developers also donated more than $3 million of the over $7.7 million in water and sewer infrastructure line improvements.  General government infrastructure additions were mainly sidewalk, street, and right-of-way ($12 million) some of which are bond funded. The City also added $13 million to its heavy equipment and fleet inventory, maintained in the Equipment Services Internal Service Fund.


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