City Clerk Year in Review 2023
A 2023 Year in Review for the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Greensboro.
Changes and Growth: Building a High-Functioning Team In 2023, the Office of the City Clerk, part of the City’s Legislative Department, saw growth and development with promotions and new hires. Organizational Impact With a main focus on City Council administrative support, the City Clerk’s office worked diligently to maintain, coordinate, and collaborate with the City Manager’s Office and departments to schedule and document the following meetings: • Regular City Council (open and closed sessions) • City Council work sessions, • Audit Committee • Guilford County Delegation • Small-group meetings DID YOU KNOW? The City Clerk’s Office provides “Proof of Life” for residents with dual country citizenship. These
are forms foreign governments sometimes require for pensioners or beneficiaries who live abroad to receive benefits.
The Clerk’s team joined forces with other departments and divisions to renovate and upgrade equipment in the Plaza Level Conference Room, the Legislative Conference Room, the City Council Chamber Dias, and internal office space for new staff.
The office provided eScribe and Storr training sessions for staff citywide and presented on Greensboro’s boards and commissions at City Academy. The staff also teamed up with several departments to showcase the City by hosting the North Carolina Municipal Clerk Regional School in March. The Clerk’s staff also participated in the following educational opportunities: the MentorMe Program, G-School, a department-focused Crucial Conversations training, notary certifications, Systemic Leadership, and Behavioral Health Response Team Mental Health.
Angie Lord City Clerk Torie Howell Deputy City Clerk Destiny Stansberry Assistant City Clerk/ Legislative Administrator
Quiwanaki Ramsey Assistant City Clerk/ Agenda Coordinator Chesnee Hylton Administrative Support Specialist Robin Glenn Office Administrator
Staff Professional Development
67 25.5
Learning Management System Trainings Hours of Outside Training
Ramsey and Stansberry earned their notary certification. Glenn completed the City’s G-School and Howell completed the City’s Systemic Leadership course.
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Professional Memberships & Service
North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks (NCAMC) Lord served on the following NCAMC committees: Leaving a Green Legacy, State Certification, 2024 Site Selection, and Program and Education.
174 307 Legislation Processed
100 659 136
Public Record Requests
Council Agenda Items
Mayor & Council Support
DID YOU KNOW? The City Clerk’s Office administers the oath of office to City Council, the City Manager, the City Attorney, police officers, firefighters, boards and commissions appointees, and inspections staff from the Engineering & Inspections and Housing & Neighborhood Development Departments.
12 4 23 24 45
Special Called Meetings Closed Session Meetings Work Session Meetings Regular Council Meetings
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