City Clerk Year in Review 2021-2022
IT Department policies in one cohesive reference for 2022
Department Restructured In 2022, the Legislative Department, which includes the Office of the City Clerk, was restructured to align services with new City Manager Taiwo Jaiyeoba’s vision for the team. The City’s Community Relations Division and the City Manager’s Office Executive Administration staff were assigned to the Executive Department. City Clerk Angela Lord worked with the team to restructure and reassign responsibilities in response to the change. In August 2022, long-time City employee and Executive Assistant to the Mayor Sharon Bell announced her retirement at the end of the year. The Clerk’s Office updated responsibilities for the executive assistant position, hiring one new employee to fill the role of mayoral support and promoting from within to provide support for the other eight councilmembers. An administrative support person was hired to cover other duties vacated by For nearly three years, the Clerk’s Office has partnered with other City staff to accommodate COVID-19-safe, virtual City Council meetings. In 2022, the office worked to fulfill the Council’s request to return to in-person meetings, with the caveat of continued virtual options for staff and the public. After a soft opening, a limited number of residents were able to attend at the Council Chamber with the use of a new sign-in technology located in the lobby. The Clerk’s office coordinated the installation and removal of Plexiglas on the Council dais and the staff sections as virus concerns fluctuated. By mid-year, the Council Chamber opened to full capacity, with the Clerk’s office maintaining an online option for the public. the internal promotion. Pandemic Impact
Angie Lord City Clerk
Monica Lewis Executive Assistant to the Mayor Wynter Graham Administrative Support Specialist Robin Glenn Office Administrator
T’ebony Rosa Deputy City Clerk Torie Howell Assistant City Clerk/ Legislative Administrator
Staff Professional Development
34 198.45
Learning Management System Trainings Continuing Education Hours
Lord earned her Master Municipal Clerk certification and Rosa earned her Certified Municipal Clerk certification from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
Professional Memberships & Service
North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks (NCAMC) Lord served on NCAMC’s Leaving a Green Legacy and Program/Education committees. Rosa served on its Site Selection Committee.
Ordinances Resolutions 242 400 Legislation Processed
Public Record Requests
826 68
Council Meetings
Council Agenda Items
Mayor & Council Support
40 36 42 55 90
Certificates of Appreciation
Ceremonial Resolutions Mayoral Letters Average Monthly Appearance Requests
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