Cisco IP 7960 Phone Help.fmb
Chapter 5 CustomizingYour PhoneorDeviceProfile from theUserWebPages
How toChange theDefault Language
The language that you have selected now serves as the default language for each of theUser Options web pages in the current web session and in future sessions. If you use ExtensionMobility, the default language will display on the LCD screen the next time you log on to a Cisco IP Phone. Whenyou are finished, click Return to theMenu or LogOff at thebottomof the page.
Step 5
• You can temporarily change the language for theUserOptionswebpages by clicking the “View page in” drop-down list located at the bottom of eachweb page. However, doing so only changes the language displayed for the current web session. The next time that you log on, theUser Options web pages will display in the default language. • If you use ExtensionMobility, and are logged in to a phone at the time that you change the default language, youmust log out and log in again to the ExtensionMobility service on your Cisco IP Phone in order to see the language changes take effect on the phone’s LCD screen.
Changing theLanguage for thePhoneLCDScreen
Use this procedure to change the default language inwhich information is displayed on the Cisco IP Phone’s LCD screen.
If you use the Cisco CallManager ExtensionMobility service, follow the procedure described in the “Changing theLanguage for theUserOptionsWeb Pages” section on page 5-7 . This procedure allows you to change the default language for your device profile.
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