Cisco IP 7960 Phone Help.fmb
Chapter 4 GettingStartedwith FeatureButtons
Using theMessagesButton
From the Find/List Address Book Entries page, click Fast Dials . On the line that corresponds to the index (fast dial code number) that you chose, youwill see a name or phone number: • If you chose an existing entry from your address book, then you can see the person’s nickname (or first and last name if no nickname is available). The initialM,W, or H (mobile, work, or home phone number, respectively) is displayed next to the person’s name. • If you chose to enter a new phone number for someone already included in your personal address book (instead of choosing an existing phone number), youwill see the phone number that you entered next to the fast dial code.
Step 8
If the person towhom youwant to assign a fast dial code is not included in your personal address book, do the following: Click on Fast Dials on the bottom of the Find/List Address Book Entries page, then click any “Unassigned” fast dial listing todisplay theAdd aNewFastDialEntrypop-up window. Follow the above instructions, omitting Step 3.
Using theMessagesButton
Use theMessages button to gain instant access to your voicemail or voice message system. Voicemail allows you to access messages left by incoming callers. This section covers the following topics:
• SettingUpVoiceMail, page 4-15 • AccessingVoiceMail, page 4-15
Voicemail is an optional feature configured by your system administrator. Your particular phone configurationmight not support accessingvoicemail as described in this section.
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