Career Dislocated Workers Grant Guide


Communication at GuilfordWorks is guided by the following principles:

Responsible individual behavior : All GuilfordWorks employees should, in their daily work, behave as if they were representatives and ambassadors of the organization. Therefore, each employee should be committed to preserving and enhancing an environment that fosters a healthy work atmosphere. Any illegal or offensive language, behavior, statement, or any mistreatment of staff in the workplace or work- related situation; including via social media accounts, will not be tolerated. Transparency : GuilfordWorks is committed to providing clear, accurate and reliable information at all times. We seek to establish team relationships through regular communication, integrity and transparency. Two-way communication : GuilfordWorks believes in clear, accurate and reliable top-down and bottom- up communication through all levels of the organization; promoting full dialogue between employees and supervisors. All staff have a right to express their opinion on any situation or issue concerning their area of responsibility and overall workplace environment. This right of expression entitles them to be heard without fear of recrimination or reprisal. This communication strategy also extends with all stakeholders, internal and external; as relevant to organizational strategy. Employee Relations : GuilfordWorks offers open communications where employees can express their voice with co-workers, direct supervisors and leadership team in an open and fair procedure. In particular, everyone should feel free to initiate a dialogue among employees and/or supervisors on mutual disagreements or concerns as they arise (without fear of retaliation). Anyone with direct reports is responsible for ensuring that his/her direct reports receive updates affecting their department directly from them (appropriate supervisors), in a timely manner. This will be effected through a combination of regular staff meetings to share information and ad hoc meetings whenever the occasion warrants. In cases where specific information or situation may affect a particular individual, the appropriate supervisor is responsible for initiating a dialogue with that individual as soon as the supervisor becomes aware. Fair and prompt disclosure : GuilfordWorks recognizes the value of communicating company-related information in a timely and nonselective manner. Leadership is responsible for sharing news that impacts the Organization in a timely manner. This will be undertaken through Quarterly Staff Meeting addresses by the Executive Director, Asst. Director, Leadership Team, and other GuilfordWorks staff as needed. These addresses are ideally held at the start of each quarter (July, October, January, April), and will be supported with copies of the meeting notes, which will be made available upon request to those who are unable to attend the meetings. There may be circumstances when information should not be released internally (and externally) because such release may compromise individuals or GuilfordWorks. The types of information that should be kept confidential (not released internally and externally) include but are not limited to: personal and personnel issues such as illness or medical information (unless it puts the wider community at risk), grievances, personal legal proceedings, discrimination issues, salaries; and nonfactual or unproven information. In cases where the distinction may be unclear, the Executive Director will make the final decision on what may be released, with advice from other key personnel such as the Asst. Director and the Director of Communications. Media Relations : Communication with stakeholders, media and industry markets must be aligned with GuilfordWorks strategy and must only be done by duly authorized spokespersons. No GuilfordWorks staff should enter into discussions with the media without prior permission from the Executive Director and/or their designee(s) and then coordination of this effort with the Communication Coordinator, when

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