Career Dislocated Workers Grant Guide

There are connections between each service and the PIRL elements that are associated with that service. This does not mean that every one of these element numbers will be reported in each instance, but rather, each of these elements are, at the very least, a possibility. For example, a person that received a referral to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (which is a Program Referral) would be in element 1113 (the Most Recent Date Referred to Other Federal/State Assistance) and is also in element 1100 (the Most Recent Date Accessed Information-Only Activities), but they would not be included in element 1115 (Referred to Department of Veterans Affairs Services). In this example, the person is not considered a participant as the service they received is not a participant level service. However, if they were to also receive job search assistance they would be reported in element number 1104 , which is a participant-level, basic career service. Because it is a participant-level basic career service, 1104 also gets rolled up into both general services elements, as 1003 is a roll up of participant level basic career services and 1004 is a roll up of all participant level career services.


In order to ensure that each NDWG participant is appropriately recorded and tracked to an NDWG project, the grant number must be captured in PIRL data element 2003. An example of an NDWG grant number is:


The required entry for PIRL data element 2003 is the first seven alphanumeric digits for the grant number, without dashes. Staff must also complete entry for PIRL data element 932 to track participants (code value 1) and reportable individuals (code value 2) in the NDWG program. Additional PIRL elements are indicated below.

Table 7D. Other PIRL Elements

Data Element No.

Data Element Name

Code Value

DWG Grant Number



National Dislocated Worker Grant

1 or 2


Date of First DWG Service


Date of Completion of DWG Services


Employed at Completion of DWG Services


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