Capital Improvements Program FY 2015 - 2024
CIP Project Scoring Guide
City Goals and High Level Indicators (Multiplier: 3.0) How many goals and indicators are addressed through this project? How does this project directly or indirectly affect the high level indicators? 1= There is no direct or indirect connection to either City Goals or High Level Indicators. 4= There is a direct connection to one or more City Goals AND a direct connection to one or more High Level Indicators. 7= There is a direct connection to two or more stated City Goals AND a direct connection to two or more High Level Indicators. Influence on Other City Plans (2.0) How many Result Area objectives or strategies are addressed through this project? Is this project consistent with a goal or objective stated in an adopted City plan such as the Comprehensive Plan or departmental master plan? 1= There is no direct or indirect connection to any goals, objectives or strategies of either the Result Area workplan or another adopted plan. 4= There is a direct connection to a stated Result Area objective and one or more Result Area strategies. There is an indirect connection to another adopted plan. 7= There is a direct connection to one or more stated Result Area objectives AND a goal from anther adopted plan. There is a direct connection to one or more Result Area strategies. Economic Development (2.0) Does this project directly impact or leverage economic development activities that generates job growth, improves property values or enables annexation of critical growth areas? 1=There is no measurable impact. 4=There is at least one measurable impact (e.g. additional jobs created, increased property values, increased likelihood of annexation through enhancements, increased private investment, increase annual tourism/consumer spending, or creates job skills that provides job opportunities) expected to be realized within the next five years that is directly related to the project. 7= There are three or more measurable impacts (e.g. additional jobs created, increased property values, increased likelihood of annexation through enhancements, increased private investment, increase annual tourism/consumer spending, or creates job skills for residents that provides job opportunities) expected to be realized within the next five years that likely would not have happened without the improvement.
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