Capital Improvements Program FY 2015 - 2024
CIP Project MAP Ranking Process
Please complete this form and send to your Budget Analyst and Stephen Carter. To do this, use Save As and save to your U Drive and complete.
Project Name: Result Area: Department: Fiscal Year:
1. Please provide a description of the CIP project.
2. How does this project address the City Goals and High Level Indicators? Is there a direct or indirect impact?
3. How does this enhancement address your Result Area objectives or strategies? Is the project consistent with goals or objectives stated in an adopted City plan such as the Comprehensive Plan or departmental work plan?
4. Is completion of this project critical to service delivery or addressing a service level deficiency?
5. Is there a legal requirement or policy requiring that this project be completed? Is there direct or impending liability if the project is not completed?
6. Who will the completion of the project impact? Is there community support for this request and is it documented?
7. Has funding for this project been identified from current resources? Can funding this project be used to leverage additional funding from an outside funding source? Does the City risk losing funding if the project is delayed?
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