Budget Manual 2020

Budget Manual

Budget Calendar The City of Greensboro budget process follows an annual schedule that includes specific dates and milestones, as required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. A detailed Budget Calendar can be found here . In January or early February, City Council and staff will hold a Planning Retreat to review the City’s financial condition and budget forecasts, as well as to develop priorities and objectives for the upcoming budget process. In January, departments submit their proposed budgets for the following fiscal year. Budget & Evaluation reviews the various requests and works with the City Manager to develop the City Manager’s Recommended Budget, which is presented to City Council in May. City Council is required to adopt a balanced budget before the end of June. In developing a total recommended budget for the next fiscal year, departments must consider funding requirements for current programs and service levels. This is often referred to as the “Base Budget”. Departments may also request funds to create new programs or services, or to increase the service level (the amount, frequency, etc.) of a current program. These are termed “Service Enhancement Requests.”

Base Budget Department base budget requests are typically due in January. Base budget requests for internal service funds are submitted in December to allow departments to adjust their budgets according to changes in internal fees. Departments use the Questica budget system to enter base budget requests for selected personnel, maintenance and operations, and capital outlay requests for the upcoming two fiscal years.

Operating Budget Instructions A-2

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