Budget Manual 2020

Budget Manual

D. Account Structure Accounting units are a unique sequence of nine numbers used to classify financial information in the City’s account structure. Below is a breakdown of the accounting unit, its sections, and what they represent. Format Examples Description Accounting Unit 9 digits 101-0503-04 Fund-Department Division-Section Fund 3 digits 101 e.g. General Fund Department 2 digits 05 e.g. Human Resources Department (aka Process Level on HR forms) Division 2 digits 03 e.g. Benefits Division (aka Department Id on HR forms) Section 2 digits 04 e.g. Compensation Section ( aka User Level on HR forms )

4-digit number after the accounting unit (often preceded by a “.”) to classify the type of expense or revenue. Known by various terms: General Ledger (GL) used in Lawson; Account, Line Item, or Object Code. For example: .5211 (Postage), .5213 (Office Supplies) Expense Codes – Expenses are captured within object codes running from 4000 to 6999. The codes are grouped by like expense activities into several categories. .4000 Salary and Benefits .5000 Maintenance &Operations .6000-6099 Capital Outlay .6100-6999 Interfund Transfers Revenue Codes – Revenues are captured within object codes running from 7000 to 9999. .8900/.8910 Appropriated Fund Balances .9101-9999 Interfund Transfers

Object Codes



Account Structure D-1

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