Athletics Section: Volunteer Coaches Handbook

indefinitely and can also reflect on Greensboro Parks and Recreation. Be engaging. Post content and questions that encourage thoughtful discussion. Remember that you are a representative of Greensboro Parks and Recreation, and the public may interpret your online postings or social interactions as though they are official statements. Be honest. Use good judgment when posting comments on any official Greensboro Parks and Recreation site. If you make a mistake, admit it and correct yourself quickly. Be safe. Protect your privacy by adjusting settings to your comfort level and be mindful of the information you share. Do not post or share pictures of participants without proper consent. Personally identifiable information (name, date of birth, home address, etc.) should not be disclosed in any manner on social networking sites. Have fun. Interacting on social media should be fun and engaging. Set the tone for positive interactions and enhance Greensboro Parks and Recreation through social media. These guidelines are designed to encourage and promote positive interaction through social media. Remember that what you say can instantaneously spread to a global audience, whether you intended for it to or not, and can positively or negatively impact you and the people around you. In congruence with the guidelines, you should refrain from posting or sharing content that promotes or fosters

hate or discrimination on the basis of color, race, age, religion, gender, origin, sexual orientation or physical or mental ability. In addition, please refrain from engaging or interacting with underage participants through social media. As a representative of Greensboro Parks and Recreation, you are expected to know and follow the social media behavior guidelines.

Any volunteer who fails to adhere to these guidelines or exhibits behavior through social media that reflects negatively on Greensboro Parks and Recreation, could result in disciplinary action up to and including permanent dismissal as a volunteer.




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