2023 Parks and Recreation Aquatics Master Plan
City of Greensboro RECOMMENDATIONS
Barber Park
AQUATICS The existing splashpads are in good condition. It is proposed to add 3 water misters throughout the park.
ARCHITECTURE/FACILITIES There are no proposed changes to the architecture/ facilities.
SITE It is proposed to provide a number of pedestrians connections from Barber to adjacent locations such as Hayes Taylor Memorial YMCA, the bandshell at Barber, and the indoor courts as well as integrating the plaza with food truck parking, play features and opening views between the play area and the sprayground entrance. Seating is limited and the master plan proposes additional paved area for flexible seating around the sprayground. PHASING The work at Barber Park can be done in any phase at any time - Long-term
Barber Park Concept Diagram
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