2023 Annual Comprehensive Report

Restricted for Grantor Requirements - Highway Improvements – This represents the amount of fund balance which can only be spent on streets, such as Powell Bill. The Powell Bill Fund is reported as a Special Revenue Fund for reporting purposes and related capital expenditures are also reported in the State Highway Allocation Capital Project Fund. These funds were established to account for Powell Bill Funds which are derived from a one and three-fourths cents per gallon motor fuel tax. The State of North Carolina collects these monies and returns a proportionate share to local governments based on local street mileage and population. Expenditures from this fund are restricted to specific highway construction and maintenance costs. Committed Fund Balance – The portion of fund balance that can only be used for specific purposes imposed by a formal action in a majority vote by a quorum of the City of Greensboro’s governing body (highest level of decision–making authority). The governing body can, by adoption of a resolution prior to the end of the year, commit fund balance. Once adopted, the limitation imposed by the resolution remains in place until a similar action is taken (the adoption of another resolution) to remove or revise the limitation. These amounts are not subject to legal enforceability by external parties, as in restricted; however, amounts cannot be used for any other purpose unless the governing body removes or changes the limitation by taking the same form of action employed to previously impose the limitation. Formal action to commit an amount to a specific purpose must be made prior to the end of the Fiscal Year. The actual amount, however, may be computed after the year end as part of the preparation of the financial statements. Committed for 911 Program – This portion of fund balance represents amounts committed to the continued operations of the Guilford Metro 911 Emergency Telephone System. Committed for Special Tax Districts – This represents the portion of fund balance committed by the board for special tax districts, primarily derived from specific property taxes. Committed for Neighborhood Development - This portion of fund balance represents amounts committed to housing partnership and community development to fund low and moderate income housing initiatives, primarily derived from a specific property tax. Committed for Economic Opportunity – This portion of fund balance represents amounts committed to various economic opportunity. Committed for Cemetery Maintenance – This amount represents the portion of fund balance to be used for the maintenance and operation of the three cemeteries that are owned and operated by the City, primarily derived from cemetery lot sales. Committed for Debt Service/Capital Projects – This represents amounts held for the future payment of general long-term debt principal and interest. Assigned Fund Balance can be assigned either by any action of the governing body, or by designees with authority to assign. Amounts can be unassigned by the same process. Assignments calculations may be made after the end of the fiscal year during the process of preparation of the financial statements. The City may delegate to the City Manager (or his designee) the authority to assign amounts of a fund balance to promote sound financial operations of the City or to meet a future obligation. Assigned for Subsequent Year’s Expenditures – This represents the amount of fund balance appropriated by the City Council to balance the budget for the year ending June 30, 2024. Assigned for Debt Service – This represents amounts held for the future payment of general long-term debt principal and interest. Assigned for Capital Projects – This represents funds used to finance all major capital improvements. The governing body approves the appropriation. Assigned for Neighborhood Development – This represents funding to process new loans and assist with loan servicing. Assigned for ARPA Enabled Projects – This represents funding held for projects using American Rescue Plan Act enabled dollars. Unassigned Fund Balance represents the residual classification for the General Fund, which has not been restricted committed, or assigned to specific purposes within the General Fund. Council action is needed to affect the Unassigned Fund Balance


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