2023 Annual Comprehensive Report

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General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023

Variance with Final Budget

Original Budget


Positive (Negative)



Field Operations: Administration


4,685,283 2,747,540 1,960,104 20,416,788 7,433,365 5,887,826 1,745,107 44,876,013 2,062,858 264,780 782,346 618,558 1,320,627 2,998,775 452,367 421,156 625,329 308,398 831,894 1,149,028 177,242 834,881 868,569 173,820 2,400,225 1,994,059 724,009 4,608 4,678


4,630,283 2,672,540 1,960,104 20,621,788 7,358,365 5,887,826 1,745,107 44,876,013 1,987,858 249,780 826,346 651,256 1,239,382 3,259,606 452,367 451,156 625,329 298,398 825,894 1,149,028 177,242 877,881 862,895 173,820 2,449,225 2,091,878 714,009 16,800 3,478


4,970,226 631,106 1,961,702 20,977,908 5,369,446 5,436,461 1,360,624 40,707,473 1,635,437 239,507 887,642 568,199 1,179,738 3,071,509 329,139 454,593 678,289 180,646 717,020 1,201,985 122,311 1,008,258 958,308 188,508 1,897,387 1,744,772 686,485 16,799 3,478


(339,943) 2,041,434 (356,120) 1,988,919 451,365 384,483 4,168,540 (1,598) 352,421 10,273 (61,296) 83,057 59,644 188,097 123,228 (3,437) (52,960) 117,752 108,874 (52,957) 54,931 (130,377) (95,413) (14,688) 551,838 347,106 7,494 23,834 (13,683) (35,508) (68,824) 60,626 83,055 (6,649) 1,649,546 1 27,524 107 (14,524)

Materials Recovery Facility Stormwater Utility Fee Solid Waste Collections Streets - Stormwater Maintenance Right of Way Maintenance

Environmental Services Total Field Operations Culture and Recreation: Parks and Recreation: Administration


Gillespie Golf Course Greensboro Sportsplex

City Arts

Program and Community Services Neighborhood Playgrounds and Centers

Swimming Pools Memorial Stadium

Hester Park Country Park Jaycee Park


Turf/Athletic Field Maintenance

Regional Parks Lake Wardens Barber Park

Equipment Maintenance Development and Maintenance Landscape and Beautification

Carolyn Allen Park

Price Park




Keeley Park Operations Trails and Greenways

684,055 342,162 199,214 134,931 115,660 645,281

654,055 342,162 286,079 134,931 125,660 679,749

668,579 334,668 262,245 148,614 161,168 748,573

LeBauer Park


Simkins Indoor Sports Pavilion

Senior Programs

Bryan Park Operations

1,083,542 501,210 455,875 23,183,327

1,088,550 501,347 466,875 23,666,226

1,027,924 418,292 473,524 22,016,680

Youth First

Volunteer Services

Total Parks and Recreation

The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement.

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