2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

C. Additional Awards and Special Recognition The Greensboro History Museum’s Pieces of Now: Murals, Masks, Community Stories and Conversations has received two national awards from the American Alliance of Museums . Pieces of Now won the Gold Award in Research and Innovation with the judges stating, “Powerful, impactful project that deals with difficult contemporary subject matter in a sensitive way by ‘stepping aside’ and letting community voices be heard.” The project also won the Silver Award for 2020 Response. The Piece of Now Project was developed in response to national protest events in May and June 2020 and contains robust digital content and programming. The Greensboro History Museum, an AAM-accredited Smithsonian Affiliate, is a division of the City of Greensboro Library Department and operates as a public-private partnership. In September 2021, the City received the 2021 Marvin Collins Planning Award for a Comprehensive Plan from the North Carolina chapter of the American Planning Association. The City’s comprehensive plan, titled GSO2040 , outlines how Greensboro should develop in the next 20 years and was recognized as a creative, online interactive document with videos, maps and cross-references with the City’s Land Development Ordinance. The plan was created with input from many public events and work sessions, public talks with nationally known development and planning experts, and input and assistance from numerous City departments and offices. In 2021, ESRI, the global leader in mapping and location intelligence, presented the City of Greensboro with its Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award . The SAG awards recognize organizations use of GIS to understand complex data and meet challenges around the world. Greensboro received the honor for its implementation of Enterprise GIS and advancements in spatial analytics technology. The City of Greensboro was one of 193 organizations, from more than 300,000 eligible candidates, to be honored. The Greensboro Television Network (GTN), the City’s government cable channel, received two awards in 2021 from the Telly Awards , a national television competition recognizing excellence in broadcast production. These two awards were; silver award for the production of GTA Super Heroes, an animated video highlighting how transit riders can ride for free and make connections to other mass transit providers, and bronze award for programming on World War II efforts and the impact on the introduction of women in the workforce. GTN has won 26 Telly Awards since 2000. Greensboro was ranked #3 in WalletHub’s 2021 Best City to Drive In report. To determine the rankings, WalletHub compared the 100 largest cities in the country across 30 key indicators of driver-friendliness. The data ranges from average gas prices to annual hours in traffic congestion per auto commuter to auto-repair shops per capita. For the fourth consecutive year, the City of Greensboro ranked in the top 25 of WalletHub’s Best-Run Cities in America report. To determine the effectiveness of local leadership, 150 of the largest US cities were compared based on their operating efficiency. For each city, A “Quality of City Services” score was constructed, comprising 37 key performance indicators grouped into six services categories and measured against the city’s total per-capita budget. The Greensboro Transit Authority (GTA) won a national American Public Transportation Association (APTA) award for its Veterans Resource Ride which was launched on Veteran’s Day, November 2020. The APTA AdWheel Awards recognize the marketing and communications efforts of APTA’s members. GTA partnered with local, state, and national non-profit and government organizations to transform a 40-foot city bus into a mobile resource center for veterans and their families. Inside contains information from groups that provide help to veterans. The exterior features designs and logos representing the different branches of America’s armed forces. The Veterans Resource Ride will rotate around the city’s bus routes.


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