2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
-17 Exhibit A-7 Page 6 of 8
General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021
Variance with Final Budget
Original Budget
Positive (Negative)
Field Operations: Administration
4,096,122 1,557,140 1,960,104 19,092,663 6,425,000 5,918,684 1,185,126 40,234,839 2,111,987 246,758 730,544 575,661 1,077,722 2,526,356 290,358 2,040
4,096,122 1,557,140 1,960,104 19,092,663 6,425,000 5,622,684 1,185,126 39,938,839 2,111,987 246,758 750,544 662,614 1,070,484 2,731,767 312,858 13,676 390,460 516,501 280,597 774,101 974,297 189,999 788,700 681,412 167,647 559,968 363,666 36,110 134,120 111,206 576,818 951,865 495,690 92,734 567 2,001,903 1,346,773 666,265 5,192 20,011,062 3,783
3,959,624 1,412,797 1,961,877 19,438,226 5,656,465 5,252,522 1,242,648 38,924,159 1,936,812 214,608 752,367 452,523 13,676 685,661 1,722,148 148,608 366,084 484,255 275,794 449,413 905,903 168,933 777,557 592,300 165,502 493,285 375,443 25,631 118,431 85,906 480,044 877,041 426,384 74,000 1,520,962 1,277,182 610,059 2,182 16,481,277 2,583
136,498 144,343
Materials Recovery Facility Stormwater Utility Fee Solid Waste Collections Streets - Stormwater Maintenance Right of Way Maintenance
(345,563) 768,535 370,162 (57,522) 1,014,680
Environmental Services Total Field Operations Culture and Recreation: Parks and Recreation: Administration Gillespie Golf Course Greensboro Sportsplex Planning
175,175 32,150
City Arts
Program and Community Services Neighborhood Playgrounds and Centers
384,823 1,009,619 164,250
Swimming Pools Memorial Stadium
1,200 24,376 32,246 4,803 324,688 68,394 21,066 11,143 89,112 480,941 69,591 56,206 3,010 66,683 (11,777) 10,479 15,689 2,145
Hester Park Country Park Jaycee Park
390,460 496,501 294,597 794,101
Turf/Athletic Field Maintenance
1,036,297 189,999 788,700 680,511 167,647 1,659,903 1,330,138 631,265
Regional Parks Lake Wardens Barber Park
Equipment Maintenance Development and Maintenance Landscape and Beautification
Carolyn Allen Park
Price Park
Keeley Park Operations Trails and Greenways
577,968 345,666 36,110 134,120 111,206 552,579 961,865 487,137 92,734 567
LeBauer Park
Arts Center
Simkins Indoor Sports Pavilion
25,300 96,774 74,824 69,306 18,734
Senior Programs
Bryan Park Operations
Youth First
Volunteer Services
Total Parks and Recreation
The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement.
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